Animals , animals and more animals
If i could be an animal what would I be ?
There are different types of animals like flying ones roaring ones and much much more . Each animal has different features and different personalities whoops I mean animalalitys .
Hmmm what animal should I be ?
I could be a mighty lion that prances around waiting for its prey . Everyone would have to bow down to me or else ... it's feeding time!
How about being a miniature snail with my house on my back . I'd never get lost or be homeless or even worry about not being able to by a house . I could just walk around anywhere being happy and safe except if I get stepped on Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
What about being a smelly fat pig that rolls around in the gorgeous mud all day long . Then I don't have to be told everyday "Oh you're so dirty , go wash this instant ! " by your mum of course . That would be fantastic !
Or a scaly fish . I could just swim around in schools all day with my family and friends around me . I won't ever be called a Nigel no mates or a Scott no friends unless of course jaws comes along (Jaws tune) Then its swim for your life and its every fish for himself .
I could even be an Eagle that sores high above the clouds breathing in the freshest air . Then I don't have to breath in all that polluted city air like we do ! With my hawk eyes , i could see anything from miles away .
What about a chameleon that camouflages itself into the background . I'd never lose at hid n seek . Anyone want to play .
Or i could be a humoungously fat hippo that wallows in the muddy brown lakes . I could just keep getting fatter and fatter . No one would dear tease me about being over weight or else they could feel the wrath of the most dangerous animal in the world . I could sit on them and squash them !
How about being a ginger cat that roams around jumping on things . Since I have 9 lives I would be nearly invinsable . Even if I got killed or something i've got nothing to worry about ... 1 down , 8 to go .
Even though animals have soooooooo many different awesome qualities I think i'd rather be myself as a human . That way I can enjoy and appreciate all the different types of species around me .