Monday, 15 October 2012

The Near To Extinction Of Monkeys

Twenty-five species of monkeys, langurs, lemurs and gorillas are now on the line of extinction and they need global action to protect them from there extinction.
Six of the severely endangered species live in the island known as Madagascar.
Five more from the mainland of Africa, five more in South America and nine species in Asia are listed as most threatened or closest to extinction.
Many people have helped several species of primates no longer listed as endangered.
The report, which counts species and subspecies of primates across the world, said that Madagascar's lemurs are severely threatened by their habitat being destroyed and illegal hunting.
The Madagascar Lemurs are the most endangered mammal species on Earth.

Illegal actions endanger rare species


  1. I like how you put on some extra information about monkeys.


  2. It is such a shame that the thoughtless and greedy actions of humans results in animals becoming endangered or even extinct.
    Finding Nemo was based on the endangered 'Clown fish', do you think 'Madagascar' was made to highlight the plight of the lemurs?

  3. Yes and they are so close to humans WE are like 97% monkey
    i thought it was our job to 'preserve' them.


  4. That's pretty sad, especially since I like monkeys quite a lot!
    Josh K.
